CMI - Consultancy Masters International

CMI Employees Awarded At Human Resources Convention

CMI Employees Awarded At Human Resources Convention

CMI International Company, represented by its CEO Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein, was awarded by the Human Resources General Directorate at Abu Dhabi Police GHQ. The awards were given during a ceremony attended by Brigadier Jassim Mohammad Al Marzouqi, Deputy Director of Human Resources, Abu Dhabi Police GHQ on behalf of Major General Mohamed Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Director General of Human Resources at Abu Dhabi Police; Brigadier General Salem Shahin Al Nuaimi, Director of the Human Resources Planning Department; and other commissioned and non-commissioned officers and civil employees. Brigadier General Al Nuaimi reviewed the Directorate’s achievements throughout the Strategic Plan of 2011-2013 in addition to the targeted initiatives and projects for the upcoming 2014-2016 Plan.
During the ceremony, the distinguished heads of departments, branch managers, and employees at the Human Resources Directorate were awarded. The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)’s Internal Assessor Training (IAT) certificates were also awarded to trainers who fulfilled (IAT) requirements. CMI’s CEO presented an honorary award to Brigadier General Salem Shahin Al Nuaimi, for his collaboration through the strategic partnerships and joint projects between CMI and the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ’s Human Resources Planning Department.
At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Hussein gave a speech in which he expressed his appreciation to the Human Resources Planning Department and the heads of departments and sections and the supervisors of organizational development projects, insisting that they all deserved to be grand leaders on the path of a “seven star culture” in accordance to UAE Vision. Brigadier Al Marzouqi also praised the role and achievements of the “Excellence Knights” of the Human Resources Planning Department and hailed their competence and efficiency in an address at the conclusion of the ceremony. The Human Resources Planning Department, in the meantime, honored the work team at CMI International for their efforts in their joint projects and initiatives with the Directorate.