CMI - Consultancy Masters International

CEO Dr. Emad Hussein Runs EFQM Certified Training for Qassim Chambers of Commerce

CEO Dr. Emad Hussein Runs EFQM Certified Training for Qassim Chambers of Commerce

As part of CMI's endeavor to promote the corporate excellence culture in several Gulf countries following the successes it achieved in the UAE, Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein conducted a course titled "Journey to Excellence – J2E" which was attended by the leaders of Qassim Chamber of Commerce in KSA, from 8 to 10 June 2013. The course was attended by18 participants.
Officials from the commerce chambers and other participants in the course hailed the valuable information provided during the course by Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein. There was a significant focus on providing participants with applied knowledge and executive enablers of the EFQM Excellence Model. A link was also established between corporate development mechanisms and the assessment of performance improvement. There were also highlights on the use of RADAR logic as an interactive framework and a systematic approach for assessing the chamber's performance as well as on the improvement opportunities that came up as one of the outcomes of the program.
Dr. Faisal Al Khamis, secretary-general of Qassim Chamber of Commerce, expressing his deepest appreciation of the distinguished performance of Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein, presented to him an honorary shield and a certificate of appreciation from the Chamber.
Dr. Al Khamis stated that such an award for Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein reflected the Chamber's awareness of the strategic importance of such a training course. The course is considered a qualitative leap towards consolidating the knowledge capabilities and administrative skills of the participants. The program provided an opportunity to view the best practices in the world's most renowned institutions, enabling them to familiarize themselves with the approaches of the world's most successful entities. The objective of this is to underscore human capital in order to be able to proceed with the chamber's development and promotion projects to achieve sustainable excellence through the EFQM Excellence Model which is being applied by prominent European institutes. This particular model has been certified as the most prominent award for government performance in several Gulf Countries, mainly the UAE.
Concluding the program, an agreement was signed with CMI to qualify Qassim Chamber of Commerce to acquire the "Committed to Excellence – C2E" certificate and proceed with the other stages of the desired corporate excellence targets according to a sustainable corporate partnership between the Chamber and CMI under the leadership of Dr. Emad Eddien Hussein.