CMI - Consultancy Masters International

TEAM Center Translation, Editing And Media Center

TEAM Center

The Translation Editing and Media Center (TEAM)
Translation is one of the professions that require a high vocational and professional level, expressional and compositional lingual skills to reflect the text set for translation. As CMI is aware of this importance, it has established the Translation, Editing and Media Center(TEAM) in accordance with its vision to provide translation, editing and media services, and to represent a vital window for translation services through which various texts can be translated, edited, revised and drafted in which such services require an accredited legal translator during conferences, events, seminars, workshops and awards evaluation. Visits to such events are conducted by certified translators in all areas of translation and interpretation.
CMI seeks to provide its services through (TEAM) Centre in an integrated framework, where this center is considered as a complementary ring in the company's system chain of training, development and management consulting services, institutional excellence projects, assistance and employment services provided to leading government and private institutions in accordance with international best practices. We hope that the TEAM work process will meet the ambitions and aspirations of our strategic partners, to whom we are grateful for their valuable trust and continuously striving towards an outstanding, professional and creative business.

Types & Services of (TEAM) center

First: - Translation
The Translation, Editing and Media Center (TEAM) perform a core distinguished role in assisting government bodies and semi-governmental organizations in different sectors through the various services provided, including:

- Legal translation for contracts, certificates and official documents (Ministry of Justice - License No. 301, since 2008)
- Translation and Arabization to specialized books and legislative encyclopedias
- Translation of media articles and documentaries.
- Interpretation for conferences, symposiums, workshops and training programs.
- Editing, proofreading, coordination and design.
- Management of documentary and electronic website content, and Arabization.
- Specialized training in all areas of legal and interpretation.

Second: Types of Translation
• Certified legal translation.
• Interpretation for conferences, symposiums and meetings.
• Banking and Financial translation.
• Engineering translation.
• Medical translation.
• Scientific translation.
• Literary translation.
• Translation of video content and documentaries (Subtitling & Dubbing)

What distinguishes (TEAM) Services?
The (TEAM) Centre incorporates a unique and specialized team of translators with expertise and competence in translation and who possess the skill and talent to make translation work beyond being just a service provider, but also as strategic partners for all of its clients.
The (TEAM) Centre ensures that translation reflects a human perception by researching and reading between lines. The latest software and translation sites have not yet been able to translate a fully understandable text and therefore, the translation center prohibited the use of software or electronic translation sites.
The (TEAM) Centre respects its clients by assuring privacy and confidentiality of documents and content and ensuring that they are extremely confidential at all stages of translation.
The (TEAM) Centre strives to provide its clients with a distinct transaction set in accordance with international customer service standards and best practices seeking its client’s sustainable trust.
The (TEAM) Centre contributes to improving the reflection & impact of our Arabic language and promoting initiatives for the development of our societies by translating the latest findings of the West, disseminating our Arab culture and flourishing civilizations’ exchange.

TEAM Center top translation projects:
ï‚· Translating and Arabization of the 2022 Rules ‘ Dubai International Arbitration Centre- DIAC’ from English into Arabic.
ï‚· Translation and Arabization of the training materials of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), within the courses of the Fellowship in international commercial arbitration.
ï‚· Elaboration, designing and printing of the first edition of the Legislative Encyclopedia of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities (Abu Dhabi) of 2019, which includes eight books covering all legislations relative to the department’s operations, including decrees, laws, resolutions, circulars and implementary regulations.
ï‚· Elaboration, designing and printing of the first edition of the Legislative Encyclopedia of the Department of Health (Abu Dhabi) of 2020 includes ten books covering all legislations relative to the department’s operations, including decrees, laws, resolutions, circulars and implementary regulations.
ï‚· Translating and Arabization of the book " The Future of Cities – Urban Future Trend Book 2021" from English into Arabic, and designing the Arabic version for the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) in Abu Dhabi.
ï‚· Translating and Arabization of the book " Future Foresight Toolkit " from English into Arabic for the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) in Abu Dhabi.
ï‚· Translation, Arabization, design and printing of the book “National Quality Infrastructure” for the Abu Dhabi Quality & Conformity Council, which is the first documented reference on quality and conformity in Abu Dhabi.
ï‚· Translation of policies, and documents of Information Security & Technology for the Ministry of Finance in the United Arab Emirates.
ï‚· Providing translation and editing services to the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and its associates since 2020 up to date, with a high-quality translation service to the best international standards.
ï‚· Translating the feedback report of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship in respect of The Mohammed Bin Rashid Government Excellence Award, and translation of Award Submission Documents, the Sixth Session for 2021.
ï‚· Providing translation services to the Department of Community Development since 2015 and its associates with a high-quality to the best international standards, and for more than five years.
ï‚· Translation of medical documents and reports for (Children’s National Health System) since 2011.
ï‚· Translation and editing of Submission Documents for the International Business Awards (Stevie Award), where the United Arab Emirates, represented by Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, took third place worldwide.
ï‚· Translation and editing of Award Submission Documents for the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Awards, as two documents of the Training Department of Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, has won the award (Best Document).
ï‚· Providing translation services to the Abu Dhabi Education Council (Department of Knowledge) since September 2013 for more than 15 sectors and management within the department with high-quality translation services according to the best international standards for more than six years.
ï‚· Translation, reviewing and proofreading for the Service Manual of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Abu Dhabi.
ï‚· Composing " Zayed and Excellence" the book which was published by the National Archives in 2016. The book narrates the honourable biography of Sheikh Zayed- may Allah rest his soul, from the viewpoint of excellence and according to the European Model of Excellence (EFQM).
ï‚· Translation, Editing and Printing (Al-Qassim Investment Strategy) for the Industrial Chamber of Commerce in Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Our Centre had received a Certificate of appreciation for the outstanding efforts exerted in this project.

TEAM Center top interpretation Projects:
Evaluation sessions to sessions of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Government Excellence - Ministry of Finance – 05th -07th September 2021.
o An event of Ministry of Finance– 20th ​​January 2020
o Abu Dhabi International Offset Conference (Economic Balance) - February 13th and 14th , 2013 - The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Abu Dhabi.
o World Summit Award for Mobile Content Conference, 3 rd -5th February 2013 - Hotel (Jumeirah - Etihad Towers) - Abu Dhabi.
o Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils Conference - Department of Economic Development, 29th November 2012.
o Seminar on regulatory and legislative obstacles facing the private sector in Abu Dhabi - Department of Economic Development -11th November 2012.
o The Global Counterterrorism Forum – 3 rd and 4th April 2012 - Abu Dhabi.
o WTO Regional Workshop on trending topics on the UAE Intellectual Property for Arab Members and Inspectors.
o United Nations Development Program, Ministry of Economy and Planning - Abu Dhabi.
o The 17th and 18th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair.
o Announcement of the strategic plan of Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture & Heritage (2008 - 2012).
o Assembly Meeting of Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA).
o Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) - (Intercontinental) Hotel 18th July 2012.

The CORE Centre:
The Consultancy, Research and


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